Saturday, 22 March 2014

Anne Appreciation


On this beautiful Saturday afternoon I have to take a moment of appreciation for this woman:

Arnel dress by Nardis of Dallas 1956 - Anne St Marie

1950's/60s  model Anne Saint Marie is a face I see a lot of when I'm looking through vintage photos.  She covered the pages of Vogue and Harpers Bazaar many times, she was a mean clothes everything she wore oozed sophistication and elegance.

She was working the smize way before Tyra gave it a name, and her look is just timeless.  Her photos could've been taking today and it wouldn't be out of place. 


There isn't much information about her on the internet (gasp!), so she remains this beautiful enigma.  Which I quite like because many times the stories of many vintage icons tend to be quite grim.  I see it is as she came, she saw, she conquered (the fashion world that is!)

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